Between the Brackets

Between the Brackets: Charly Mostert, Marketing Operations Strategist

Meet Charly Mostert, our resident HubSpot guru and marketing operations strategist. Learn more about Charly and his role at Webstacks.

Hannah Nicole Espejo
Hannah Nicole Espejo
3 minutes
Between the Brackets: Charly Mostert, Marketing Operations Strategist

Welcome to another edition of Between the Brackets, where we get the inside scoop on the talented individuals helping the fastest-growing B2B SaaS brands grow their web presence!

Today, we are highlighting Webstacks' resident HubSpot guru and marketing operations strategist. Say hello to Charly Mostert!

About Charly

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Glad to have you on Between the Brackets! Tell us about yourself.

I’m originally from Daytona Beach, FL, and we moved to Arizona when I was eight. My parents had a mom-and-pop crane rental business during my entire childhood, so I learned quite a bit about maintaining machinery and wrenching on things. It’s come in handy for one of my hobbies: working on old Japanese cars and motorcycles.

I lived in Prescott, AZ until 2008, when my high-school sweetheart and I moved to Tucson to attend the University of Arizona (Bear Down!) Naturally, we studied subjects entirely unrelated to digital marketing and HubSpot, which we both specialize in today.

What is your role here at Webstacks? 

I’m a Marketing Operations Strategist at Webstacks and help our HubSpot clients make the best use of the platform. This includes everything from CRM implementation, configuration, and automation, to inbound marketing strategy and campaign execution.

I’ve been a HubSpot power user since 2016, having worked at in-house marketing departments and top HubSpot partner agencies.

I also support the Webstacks internal marketing team with special projects, like the announcement of our new unlimited design and development subscription and CRM updates to make the best use of our data.

We all know you have three rescue dogs named after birds! Mind sharing any stories about adopting them and their unique names?

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We’ve had three rescue dogs for most of the last decade. After adopting the first, we noticed that she loved stealing things (our shoes, toys, you name it) and leaving them on her bed–just like a Magpie supposedly does. So “Maggy” seemed a good fit. 

We adopted the second later the same year, and were already thinking about sticking with another “bird name” because … why not? We landed on “Wren” and it just seemed right–though it did queue up people to ask “where’s Stimpy?” forever more.

We were squarely into “bird names” by the time our third dog came along, so “Goose” it was! We’ve also got a small backlog of names at the ready, with “Turkey,” “Piper,” and “Raven” ready if the right pup comes into our lives.   

Something we’d love to hear more about is your love for rebuilding old motorcycles! What sparked this passion and do you have a favorite motorcycle model that you enjoy working on the most?

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When I was 10, I learned how to ride a 1979 Honda Trail 70–an old family heirloom that originally belonged to my grandpa before I was born. From there, my dad and I would ride the trails around the Prescott area until I started high school, when I kinda lost track of bikes (though I do still have my bike of the era: a 1999 Honda XR 200). 

Eventually, my dad pivoted away from dirt bikes and over to street bikes. I got my motorcycle endorsement and we’d ride his bikes together whenever I’d visit from Tucson. Finally, I decided that I wanted a street bike of my own, so I nabbed the first halfway decent, cheap Craigslist bike I could find: a 1978 Yamaha XS750. In retrospect, I overpaid and the bike needed way more work than I expected, but I learned a ton rebuilding it and wouldn’t trade that experience for anything. 

I’ve picked up a few other, smaller bikes in the intervening years, and I’m told that I have to get rid of some before acquiring any more. I’m partial to Japanese bikes–they’re generally super reliable and troubleshooting them is straightforward.

Marketing Operations at Webstacks

Give us an inside look at your day-to-day.

I’m one of Webstacks’ fully remote employees and have worked completely remotely since 2018.

I’m usually up around 7:00 and always take at least an hour in the morning for myself, whether that’s making breakfast, reading, or spending time with my dogs. In my early remote days, I used to start work right after waking up. But by guaranteeing myself some time in the morning, I’ve found that it puts me in a much better headspace for the rest of the day.

After some initial morning small-talk on Slack, my typical day consists of working on the client and internal projects that I’ve queued up for myself. I might also have a few client calls sprinkled in to check in on the status of ongoing initiatives and identify new projects to work on with our time together. 

Just as examples, I’ve recently helped clients launch email nurturing campaigns to encourage more job applicants, implement the HubSpot Quotes tool, and configure their HubSpot CRM so that key data is readily accessible.

We have a question from our Content Marketer Devon! If you could work with any one person in the world for a day (in your role at Webstacks), who would it be and why?

This is a great question. Retro video games and gaming history are another hobby of mine, and I appreciate stories of people who had no idea what they were doing but decided to take risks that paid off. (Did you know the original PlayStation was an after-hours side project at Sony and almost cost the team lead his job?!)

I don’t have a single person in mind, but would love to work with someone from gaming history who could bring a new perspective to my work and identify areas to innovate that I haven’t thought of.

What do you think is one of the most underrated skills to have as a Marketing Operations Strategist?

I think the single most important thing a strategist can do is have an opinion based on data. In my experience, clients always appreciate when you’ve reviewed their data or current state and have an actionable recommendation based on what you observed. It sets the starting point for conversation and also tells them you’re looking out for their best interests, even if you weren’t specifically asked to review something.

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The Wrap-up

Any advice for candidates who may be interested in your role today?

Having a deep knowledge of HubSpot is a must, so I’d suggest brushing up on your HubSpot Academy certifications (you can even create a free HubSpot account and earn certifications for free). 

And always be open to learning. After almost a decade in this industry, I still come across projects that I’ve never done before. Not knowing the next step of a project can certainly be uncomfortable in the moment. But ultimately you figure it out and learn a ton along the way, which is always a great trade-off for any temporary setbacks.

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