Between the Brackets

Between the Brackets: Lauren Sorge, Senior Product Designer

Meet Lauren, one of our Senior Product Designers. Learn more about Lauren, role, and her typical day-to-day at Webstacks.

Hannah Nicole Espejo
Hannah Nicole Espejo
3 minutes

Welcome back to the latest installment of Between the Brackets [ ], your chance to meet the brilliant minds behind top B2B SaaS websites. 🚀

Today, we turn the spotlight on a Webstacker known for masterfully leading website redesign projects here at Webstacks. Let's give a warm welcome to the design queen herself, Lauren Sorge!

About Lauren

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Thrilled to have you on Between the Brackets! Tell us about yourself.

I'm originally a California girl, born and raised in San Diego, but I live in Colorado now! I lived in Colorado during college, so when I finally had the chance to buy my first home, I jumped at moving to Fort Collins.

When I'm not working on design projects, you can usually find me outside - hiking, biking, and surfing when I visit home. I also train in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, which I absolutely love. I just earned my blue belt, which was a proud milestone after 2 years on the mats.

What is your role here at Webstacks? 

I'm a senior product designer here at Webstacks, which has honestly been such a blast. Getting to lead website redesign projects across different industries keeps things fresh and lets me flex my creative muscles. My day-to-day involves collaborating closely with Sam Ruben and Vick Kahlon as part of our tight-knit project trio. We have a ton of fun together while spearheading impactful redesigns for our clients. 

What really sets Webstacks apart for me is the collaborative culture. I get a kick out of brainstorming creative solutions for business challenges through thoughtful design. Also, helping junior designers develop their skills is something I find incredibly fulfilling. It's not just about what we create; it's about how we grow together as a team.

First things first, we all know and love your Westie Murphy! Can you share how you first got him and any unique stories about him?

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Ahh Murphy - my best friend! I always wanted a Westie growing up because of American Girl Doll and Coconut, the companion dog. I remember constantly googling pictures of Westies and knowing that one day I would have one! Fast forward to my early twenties, a friend of my parents in San Diego had a Westie who had just given birth to a pup - none other than Murphy!

Murphy comes with me just about everywhere - including the San Diego office! He loves playing fetch with coworkers and snuggling up next to my desk. One unique story about Murphy is when he was just 6 months old, he did a 10-mile hike with me in the Sierra Nevadas! However, he only hiked two miles of it. The rest of the hike was spent being carried in my trusty doggie backpack. He loved it.

We all know you love to surf! What's your all-time favorite surfing spot, and what makes it special?

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Oh gosh, that is a tough question! I’ve had the opportunity to surf quite a few incredible waves around the world. One of my favorite breaks I surfed was Tamarindo in Costa Rica. The reason why it was my favorite is because the water was warm and there were epic waves. Growing up surfing in California, the water is almost always freezing and the waves can be pretty unpredictable. So, I’m grateful I could surf close to perfection in Costa Rica!

Design at Webstacks

What do you enjoy the most about your role at Webstacks?

You know, there are so many things I love about being a senior product designer at Webstacks. But if I had to pick one absolute favorite part of working here, it would be the amazing people I get to collaborate with every day. We have such an incredible mix of talent and personalities - everyone is not only great at what they do, but they're also genuinely good humans who work hard and support each other. 

I think that positive team energy translates into better work. I feel extremely lucky to work alongside people who constantly inspire me, make me laugh, and who have become true friends.

What do you think is one of the most underrated skills to have as a designer?

One of the most underrated skills for a designer is empathy. It’s so important to have the ability to truly understand and empathize with the end-users you are designing for. Having empathy helps you create designs that not only look good but also resonate with users on a deeper level.

What is your favorite Webstacks memory so far?

I can’t pinpoint one memory, but if I were to pinpoint one recurring highlight, it would be our Trivia Nights. Every other week, we gather at a local bar for a night filled with trivia, laughter, and friendly competition. Since my move to Colorado, I miss being a regular participant, but whenever I visit San Diego to see my family, I make it a point to swing by the office for Trivia Night. The experience is always a blast -  spent laughing way too hard alongside close friends on the Webstacks team.

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The Wrap-Up

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Any advice for candidates who may be interested in your role today? 

Stay flexible & embrace continuous learning. Projects, clients, and designs are constantly changing, so welcoming flexibility, being open to feedback, and building awesome friendships with teammates will help you shine here. Also, don’t get in your head and compare your work to others. You are naturally gifted in your design style, so lean into it! Sometimes comparing yourself to others will lead you into a second-guessing frenzy. Don’t fear mistakes; they’re stepping stones to growth. Own your projects, celebrate wins, and enjoy the ride! 

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Hope you've enjoyed meeting another amazing Webstacker here on Between the Brackets! If you're interested in joining our team, check out the Webstacks Careers page to see our open positions!

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Table of contents
About Lauren
Thrilled to have you on Between the Brackets!
What is your role here at Webstacks? 
First things first, we all know and love your Westie Murphy! Can you share how you first got him and any unique stories about him?
We all know you love to surf! What's your all-time favorite surfing spot, and what makes it special?
Design at Webstacks
What do you enjoy the most about your role at Webstacks?
What do you think is one of the most underrated skills to have as a designer?
What is your favorite Webstacks memory so far?
The Wrap-Up
Any advice for candidates who may be interested in your role today? 
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