
What You Need to Know About HubSpot Onboarding with a Solutions Partner

Eric Izazaga
Eric Izazaga
3 minutes
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The thought of migrating from one platform to a new one is nerve-wracking, nail-biting, and painful. What if the migration looked something like moving from Salesforce to HubSpot?

For those that are thinking about the move but are questioning the process, there are two options for you: HubSpot onboarding with HubSpot representatives or with a solutions partner.

The HubSpot Learning Curve

HubSpot’s abundance of resources doesn't go unnoticed, but the human support solution partners show will comfortably lead you down the learning funnel. Migrating to a new platform takes some getting used to which explains why prospects will forever live in the prospect stage.

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New users want to feel taken care of especially knowing that a service like HubSpot comes with a hefty price tag. Those that commit to HubSpot will end up in the onboarding stage: a process that unfolds post-purchase.

Think of the onboarding stage as a learning phase where teams can set their learning curve and become acquainted with HubSpot. So here’s what to expect from both processes.

The HubSpot Onboarding Process

It’s important to note that the HubSpot onboarding process is almost identical to any HubSpot service you’re interested in. That includes HubSpot CRM, Marketing Hub, Sales Hub, or Customer Service Hub.

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Now, If you’re content with a support plan that puts you in the driver's seat and requires you to read countless instruction manuals, then doing it with HubSpot is perfect for you.

Expect your team to work with HubSpot experts in building a customized onboarding plan tailored to your business needs and your current technology stack. Purchasing through HubSpot comes with an onboarding process that looks more or less like this:

1. Identifying immediate goals

The onboarding process begins by meeting with a HubSpot sales representative. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss several goals that you hope to accomplish with the HubSpot software you purchased.

2. Start building projects around immediate goals

After identifying the goals you hope to achieve with HubSpot, they are converted to self-directed projects. These projects will live in your HubSpot portal.

The projects serve as a written guide throughout the onboarding process to keep both parties on track and informed of what must be accomplished.

With this comes a HubSpot onboarding specialist that will be assigned to you to function as a project manager and offer strategic guidance for your team. Their job is to see you succeed. They will serve as your main point of contact and will meet with you every 7-10 business days.

3. HubSpot resources will help all projects come to fruition

HubSpot is known for its abundance of resources that include ultimate guides to tedious technical setups, how-to blog posts, and even detailed video tutorials. Their HubSpot knowledge base, HubSpot Academy, and HubSpot support team will be at your team’s disposal.

You’ll be expected to use these resources to learn the HubSpot platform. The knowledge base and academy consist of guides and videos on how to set up and utilize HubSpot tools while the support team offers their services 24/7.

HubSpot scribes the blueprint and you’re responsible for bringing it to life. This can be both time-consuming and painful for a company that has internal operations to take care of.

Lucky for you, HubSpot’s solutions partner program is an ecosystem of agencies that offer robust, detailed implementation services that’ll help you become a confident HubSpot Pro.

Solution partners offer a seamless approach to the onboarding process that your company might find more feasible and enticing. Continuous support with a human is something that new HubSpot users won’t be able to live without.

How HubSpot Solutions Partners Take the Training Wheels Off

Getting up to speed with a completely new platform takes time. HubSpot solution partners know this. This is why they do more than just support you throughout onboarding. Simply put, a solutions partner will do the work for you. Yes. You read it correctly.


1. Kick-off call with a HubSpot partner

The onboarding process starts with a kick-off call where your team will share primary goals, give a summary of sales and marketing processes, and any other information that is needed to head in the right direction.

The point of this call is for the solutions partner to be able to effectively set up the HubSpot account in alignment with your expectations. The solutions partner is in charge of the entire technical set up which means you won’t need to spend time watching tutorial videos or read lengthy articles.

2. Meet your HubSpot onboarding specialist

Now the learning process begins. As soon as the new system is set up, an onboarding specialist will walk you through how to use the platform. The specialist is responsible for teaching and training customers to maintain the new system on HubSpot.

However, it is up to the new users to take some time out of their day to want to learn the ins and outs of the HubSpot software. They teach you what you need to know based on the expectations and goals of your HubSpot setup, but it is important to have the desire to learn.

3. Ongoing implementation services

Once you get the hang of the HubSpot software, the training wheels come off. Typically the implementation phase is less than 30 days, but ongoing support lasts for 90 days.

That is enough time to have your HubSpot dashboard built by a solutions partner, learn the software by doing, and eventually master it.

Onboarding with a Solutions Partner is Easy

The best part about onboarding with a partner is that they are experienced HubSpot users. They have built their portfolio helping teams successfully migrate to the HubSpot platform.

This means that they’ve done it all, whether it be 3rd-party integrations or a simple seamless migration. A solutions partner likely has many use cases to apply to certain business objectives.

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For example, Webstacks as a solutions partner has done multiple Salesforce to HubSpot integrations. Because of our experience and the lessons we’ve learned conducting our process, we can configure the integration quickly, efficiently, and with confidence by important business goals.

We are also able to use previous experiences as guidance to ensure our clients are getting what they pay for.

Human Support or Online Resources?

HubSpot solution partners have the confidence to accelerate your learning curve and make your migration experience a breeze. The HubSpot onboarding process can either be difficult or easy.

Why make it difficult by doing more work? If you’re interested in learning more about our HubSpot onboarding process be sure to visit our website. Our HubSpot Pros will be more than happy to take the training wheels off for you!

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Table of contents
The HubSpot Learning Curve
The HubSpot Onboarding Process
1. Identifying immediate goals
2. Start building projects around immediate goals
3. HubSpot resources will help all projects come to fruition
How HubSpot Solutions Partners Take the Training Wheels Off
1. Kick-off call with a HubSpot partner
2. Meet your HubSpot onboarding specialist
3. Ongoing implementation services
Onboarding with a Solutions Partner is Easy
Human Support or Online Resources?