
10 SaaS Website Best Practices You Must Follow in 2024

Learn about the top SaaS website best practices you must consider for enhancing user experience, boosting reach, and increasing conversions in 2024.

Devon Wood
Devon Wood
3 minutes

Looking to level up your website? Well, you've come to just the right blog.

Here, we share some of the most effective web design strategies utilized by the Best SaaS Websites in 2024.

As a web design agency working on some of the most innovative websites in tech, here are 10 of the most common best practices we see our clients embracing into the new year:

1. Fine-tune the User Experience 2. Showcase Your Product 3. Be Conversion-Driven 4. Build Intuitive and Strategic Site Architecture 5. Scale High-Quality Content Production 6. Follow SEO Best Practices 7. Build Brand Equity 8. Have Clear and Transparent Pricing 9. Monitor and Evaluate Website Analytics 10. Conduct Testing and Experimentation Read on to learn more about these best practices that have become industry standards for a modern marketing website.

The Best B2B SaaS Websites in 2024 πŸ‘€

Download the Best B2B SaaS Websites eBook to see 50+ examples of the most visually stunning and successful websites across the industry.

1. Fine-tune the User Experience


Example of exceptional UX: Scale

The website is the bridge connecting your users to your product. Moreover, it's crucial to ensure your website provides an immersive and interactive environment that leads to conversions. A finely tuned user experience is a symphony of design, functionality, and accessibility, all working together to create a seamless journey toward a purchase.

πŸ–ŒοΈ Visually Pleasing Creative

Your website's design is the first thing a visitor notices, so it's essential to create a design that resonates with your brand's identity. Incorporating engaging visuals like 3D graphics, animations, and videos can transform a standard interface into an immersive experience. Remember, visual elements are not just decoration; they're communication tools that can guide users through your website, highlight important features of your product, and create an emotional connection with your brand.

πŸ“„ Neat Formatting

The layout and formatting of your website play a crucial role in how information is consumed. A cluttered page can be overwhelming and lead to high bounce rates. Instead, focus on creating a balance with ample white space and well-structured content. Use creative layouts that guide users through your content, keeping them engaged and interested. This approach enhances the readability of your site and ensures that key messages and calls to action are not lost in a sea of text.

πŸ“± Responsive Design for Accessibility

In today's world, where users access websites from a myriad of devices, responsive design is non-negotiable. It ensures that your website provides a consistent experience across all devices, from desktops to smartphones. This consistency is vital for accessibility and usability. A responsive design adapts to different screen sizes, ensuring that navigation is intuitive and content is easily readable. This not only enhances the user experience but also positively impacts your site's search engine ranking, as Google favors mobile-friendly websites.

2. Showcase Your Product

Calendly Product Page

Example of Superb Website Product Marketing: Calendly

The core of your SaaS website is your product. It's essential not just to tell but to show potential customers why your product is the solution they need. This can be achieved through engaging and interactive elements highlighting your product's features and benefits.

πŸ‘‰ Interactive Product Tours

Offer an immersive experience by integrating interactive product tours on your website. These tours can serve as a virtual guide, showcasing the functionality and features of your product in a hands-on manner. This interactive approach engages users, helping them understand the practical application and benefits of your product in real time. It’s a powerful tool to demystify complex features and directly address potential customer pain points.

πŸ’‘ Use Cases

Including real-world use cases, solutions pages, and success stories on your website can significantly impact how potential customers view your product. These use cases should illustrate how your product solves specific problems, ideally across various industries or scenarios. This not only demonstrates the versatility and effectiveness of your product but also helps visitors envision how it could fix their own business challenges.

πŸ“ Regularly Updated Product Documentation

Comprehensive and up-to-date product documentation is a critical resource for both prospects and existing customers. It serves as an educational tool, helping users understand your product's features and functionalities in depth. By maintaining current and detailed documentation, you empower users to fully leverage your product, thereby enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. This also positions your brand as a knowledgeable and reliable source in your industry.

3. Be Conversion-Driven

Sanity io

Example of a Refined CRO Strategy: Sanity

A SaaS website should be more than informational; it must be a conversion engine. This involves strategically guiding visitors toward making a decision, whether signing up for a trial, scheduling a demo, or making a purchase.

πŸ‘£ Defined User Journeys

Each journey should be carefully mapped out, considering the different paths a user might take from their initial visit to the desired action, like a purchase or sign-up. This involves understanding your audience's needs and expectations at each stage of their interaction with your site. By tailoring the content, design, and navigation based on user journey stages, you ensure a smoother, more intuitive experience for your visitors.

πŸ–±οΈ Strategically Placed CTAs

Call-to-action buttons are your direct line to user engagement and conversion. They should be strategically placed to catch the user's attention at the right moment. The key is to understand the user's journey and introduce CTAs at points where they are most likely to take action. This could be after presenting a compelling feature, following a customer testimonial, or at the end of an informative blog post.

πŸ”„ Optimized Landing Pages

Each landing page should be a targeted pitch tailored to specific user segments or marketing campaigns. These pages must be optimized for conversions, with a clear message, compelling copy, and a straightforward path to action. The design should minimize distractions and focus the user's attention on the key message and CTA. Remember, the goal of these pages is to convert traffic into leads or sales, so every element must be aligned with this objective.

4. Build Intuitive and Strategic Site Architecture

Intuitive and SEO-Friendly Site Architecture Example:

The structure of your SaaS website can significantly impact user experience and conversion rates. An intuitive and strategically planned site architecture ensures that users can find what they're looking for with ease, enhancing their overall experience and likelihood of conversion.

🧭 Organized Navigation Menu

Your website's navigation menu is the roadmap guiding visitors through your content. It should be intuitive, clearly categorizing different sections of your site. Think of your navigation menu as a table of contents; it should provide a clear overview of what your site offers and allow users to find the information they need quickly. This will enhance the user experience, as well as improve SEO.

πŸ—ΊοΈ User Journey Mapping

Understanding the journey your users take from the moment they land on your site to the point of conversion is crucial. By mapping out this journey, you can identify potential friction points and opportunities to enhance the user experience. This involves anticipating the steps a user will take and creating a path that smoothly guides them to key conversion points. A well-planned user journey reduces bounce rates and increases the likelihood of conversion.

The footer is often overlooked but is a key element of site architecture. It should include important links, such as primary and secondary navigation items, contact information, legal and privacy policies, and a sitemap. A well-organized footer is another important website crawlability factor. Beyond the SEO benefits, it's another opportunity to provide additional resources and keep visitors on your site longer.

5. Scale High-Quality Content Production


Best SaaS Content Marketing Example: ServiceTitan

In today's competitive SaaS market, content is king. High-quality content helps in educating your audience, establishing thought leadership, and driving organic traffic. It's not enough to publish a couple of pieces of content a week. To win in your industry, you need to build a well-oiled content machine. Your organization should invest in resources to produce a diverse array of content on a weekly basis.

β™ŸοΈ Content Strategy

A well-defined content strategy is the backbone of successful digital marketing. Identify the types of content that resonate most with your target audience, whether it's blog posts, ebooks, webinars, or podcasts. Understand the channels where your audience spends their time and tailor your content accordingly. Your strategy should align with your marketing goals, addressing the needs of your audience at different stages of the buyer's journey.

πŸ“š Extensive Resource Hub

Top SaaS companies often have a comprehensive resource hub on their websites. This hub can include a variety of content formats such as blogs, ebooks, podcasts, glossaries, and even interactive tools. A diverse content repository can attract new visitors but also keep them engaged. It's an effective way to demonstrate your expertise and provide value, thereby building trust and credibility with your audience.

⬆️ Regular Content Updates

Establishing a content calendar ensures a consistent flow of fresh and relevant content. Empower your marketing team with the tools and flexibility to create and publish content easily. Additionally, making regular updates to older content with send positive signals to search engine and help with maintaining or increasing organic search results.

Read how Webstacks helped ServiceTitan build out their expansive content "Toolbox" here.

6. Follow SEO Best Practices


SaaS SEO Example: Mailchimp

For a SaaS website, visibility in search engines is a critical factor in attracting potential customers. Following SEO best practices ensures your website ranks well for relevant queries, driving organic traffic and leads.

πŸ”Ž Keyword Optimization

Conduct comprehensive keyword research to understand the terms and phrases your target audience uses when searching for solutions like yours. Integrate these keywords thoughtfully into your website's content, including headings, body text, and meta tags (title tags, URL slugs, meta descriptions). Remember, keyword stuffing is a no-no; your primary goal should be to create content that’s valuable and readable.

⏳️ Fast Site Loading Speeds

Website speed is a critical factor for both user experience and SEO. Slow loading speeds can lead to high bounce rates and negatively impact your search engine rankings. Optimize your site's loading speed by reducing image sizes, minimizing the use of heavy JavaScript and CSS, and utilizing a content delivery network (CDN).

Building a robust backlink profile is essential for enhancing your website's authority and search engine rankings. Focus on creating high-quality content that naturally attracts backlinks. This could include interactive tools, comprehensive guides, or industry studies. Additionally, outreach for guest blogging opportunities or collaborations can be an effective way to build backlinks and improve your site’s SEO.

7. Build Brand Equity


Brands with a Compelling Story Example: Hubspot

Brand equity is not just about recognition; it's about the value and trust your brand commands in the market. A strong brand can differentiate your SaaS product in a crowded market and foster long-term loyalty.

πŸ“– Brand Storytelling

Your brand's story should be evident in every aspect of your website. This includes not just the content but also the design and user experience. Communicate who you are, your values, and your mission. A compelling brand story resonates with your audience, creates an emotional connection, and sets you apart from competitors.

🀝 Social Proof and Trust Signals

Displaying customer testimonials, reviews, and trust badges on your website can significantly boost credibility. These elements act as social proof, alleviating potential user concerns and building trust. Highlighting case studies or success stories of your existing customers can also be a powerful way to demonstrate the effectiveness of your product.

πŸ“ž Responsive Customer Support

Exceptional customer support is a critical component of building brand equity. It can turn satisfied customers into brand advocates. Make sure your website offers easy access to support channels like live chat, tutorials, documentation, and FAQs. Responsive and helpful customer support enhances the overall customer experience and strengthens your brand reputation.

8. Have Clear and Transparent Pricing

slack pricing

SaaS Pricing Page Example: Slack

Clear and transparent pricing is key to building trust with your potential customers. It allows them to understand exactly what they're getting and at what cost, helping them make informed decisions without the need for direct contact.

🏷 Pricing Tiers

The best SaaS pricing pages clearly articulate different pricing tiers and packages on your website. This transparency helps customers easily find a plan that suits their needs and budget. Ensure that your pricing structure is straightforward, avoiding complex or hidden costs that lead to mistrust. Including a FAQ section about pricing can also help address common queries and concerns.

πŸ†“ Free Trial Options

Offering free trials or demo versions of your SaaS product is a powerful strategy to let potential customers experience the value of your product first-hand. Make sure these options are prominently displayed and easy to access. This approach allows you to build trust with prospects before initiating any transaction. Offering free trials has proven to significantly increase conversion rates, as users are more likely to buy after experiencing the benefits of your product first-hand.

🎯 Optimize for Conversions

When users are considering your product, it’s crucial to have a clear path to conversion. Whether it's signing up for a free trial, scheduling a demo, or subscribing to a service, the process should be straightforward and compelling. Ensure that the steps to convert are minimal and clear, reducing any friction that might deter potential customers.

9. Monitor and Evaluate Website Analytics


In the digital world, data is a goldmine of insights. Regular monitoring and evaluation of website analytics can provide a deeper understanding of user behavior, which is crucial for making informed decisions to enhance your website's performance.

πŸ— Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Select KPIs that accurately reflect your website's objectives, such as lead generation, user engagement, or e-commerce conversions. Regular monitoring of these KPIs helps in identifying trends and patterns, which can inform strategic decisions. For instance, a sudden drop in user engagement might indicate content that is not resonating with your audience or technical issues that need to be addressed. Regular KPI reviews also enable you to measure the success of recent changes or marketing campaigns.

πŸ› οΈ Analytics Tools

Utilizing advanced analytics tools like Google Analytics, HotJar, and FullStory offers a multi-dimensional view of user behavior. These tools can provide insights beyond basic traffic metrics, such as heatmaps showing where users click most, how far they scroll on your pages, and what content they engage with. Session recordings can offer a 'real' view of user interactions, helping you understand user frustrations and areas for improvement. This level of insight is invaluable for making user-centric optimizations to your website.

πŸ“ Performance Audits

Conduct comprehensive performance audits regularly to evaluate your website against key metrics like page loading speed, mobile responsiveness, and SEO rankings. These audits should also assess the user journey and content effectiveness, identifying any barriers to conversion or areas where users disengage. Use these audits to prioritize website improvements, ensuring your site remains optimized for both user experience and technical performance.

10. Conduct Testing and Experimentation


CRO Example: Chameleon

Continuous testing and experimentation are fundamental for the growth and improvement of your SaaS website. They allow you to understand what resonates with your audience and how to optimize user experience for better engagement and conversions.

πŸ“ A/B Testing

Regularly conduct A/B tests on various elements of your website, such as different versions of web pages, headlines, images, CTAs, and content. Tools like Mutiny and Optimizely can be extremely helpful in this process. A/B testing helps in identifying which elements perform better in terms of user engagement and conversion rates. It's important to run these tests for a sufficient duration to collect reliable data and to test one variable at a time to accurately determine the impact of changes.

πŸ‘₯ Personalization

Develop personalized experiences for your users based on their behavior, preferences, and past interactions with your site. Personalization tactics can range from displaying personalized content recommendations to customized email marketing campaigns. Use data analytics to segment your audience and tailor your website’s user experience accordingly. Personalization can significantly enhance user engagement, loyalty, and conversion rates.

πŸ”’ Security and Performance Testing

Regularly test your website for security vulnerabilities and performance issues. A secure and smoothly functioning website is essential for maintaining user trust and providing a seamless user experience. Addressing these aspects also positively impacts your website's search engine ranking, as search engines prioritize secure and fast-loading sites.


The role of your SaaS website in today's business environment cannot be understated. It's more than just an online platform; it's a vital tool for engaging with your target audience, generating leads, and building your brand. The key to maximizing its effectiveness lies in a balanced approach, blending solid design, user-focused features, and strategic content. Implementing the best practices discussed is not a one-time effort but an ongoing commitment to evolving with your audience's needs and technological advancements.

Your website should be seen as an investment, an essential part of your business strategy that requires regular attention and refinement. It's about aligning every element with your overall business goals, from the technical backend to the user-facing content. By doing so, your website becomes not just a showcase of your product but a driving force in your business growth.

In summary, getting the most out of your website is about understanding its potential as a dynamic tool in your business arsenal. Regular updates, consistent optimization, and staying abreast of industry trends will ensure your website remains an effective and valuable asset for your SaaS business.

The Best B2B SaaS Websites in 2024 πŸ‘€

Download the Best B2B SaaS Websites eBook to see 50+ examples of the most visually stunning and successful websites across the industry.

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Table of contents
1. Fine-tune the User Experience
πŸ–ŒοΈ Visually Pleasing Creative
πŸ“„ Neat Formatting
πŸ“± Responsive Design for Accessibility
2. Showcase Your Product
πŸ‘‰ Interactive Product Tours
πŸ’‘ Use Cases
πŸ“ Regularly Updated Product Documentation
3. Be Conversion-Driven
πŸ‘£ Defined User Journeys
πŸ–±οΈ Strategically Placed CTAs
πŸ”„ Optimized Landing Pages
4. Build Intuitive and Strategic Site Architecture
🧭 Organized Navigation Menu
πŸ—ΊοΈ User Journey Mapping
🦢Organized Footer
5. Scale High-Quality Content Production
β™ŸοΈ Content Strategy
πŸ“š Extensive Resource Hub
⬆️ Regular Content Updates
6. Follow SEO Best Practices
πŸ”Ž Keyword Optimization
⏳️ Fast Site Loading Speeds
πŸ”— Backlinks
7. Build Brand Equity
πŸ“– Brand Storytelling
🀝 Social Proof and Trust Signals
πŸ“ž Responsive Customer Support
8. Have Clear and Transparent Pricing
🏷 Pricing Tiers
πŸ†“ Free Trial Options
🎯 Optimize for Conversions
9. Monitor and Evaluate Website Analytics
πŸ— Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
πŸ› οΈ Analytics Tools
πŸ“ Performance Audits
10. Conduct Testing and Experimentation
πŸ“ A/B Testing
πŸ‘₯ Personalization
πŸ”’ Security and Performance Testing